Engaging an Agency Part 3: Choosing Your Tech

July 19, 2024

Engaging an Agency Part 3: Choosing Your Tech


From the moment the first line of code is written, it becomes legacy. That means, at some point, some developer is going to delete it. This also means, the worst thing you can do is procrastinate. You should (in most situations) build fast & iterate quickly. When choosing your tech, you want to take this into consideration. You also want to consider future cost commitments.

Choosing the Tech:

When selecting the technology stack for your project, it’s essential to balance cost, speed, and quality. Making a choice purely based on cost can lead to significant drawbacks down the line, while opting for the latest technology might not always be the most pragmatic decision. 

Equally important - don’t implement the latest technology, just because you can. Justify every decision. If you know a little Ruby, use Ruby on Rails. There’s no shame in that.

Why Cheap Isn’t Always Better

Opting for the cheapest option can be tempting, especially for startups operating on a tight budget. However, this often leads to higher long-term costs due to technical debt, lower performance, and the need for more frequent refactoring. It’s crucial to consider the total cost of ownership, which includes maintenance, scalability, and future-proofing your application. 

Let’s take a look at NodeJS vs Go:



  • Speed of Development: NodeJS allows for rapid development cycles due to its non-blocking, event-driven architecture.
  • Large Ecosystem: A vast library of packages and modules available through npm.
  • Full-Stack Development: Can be used for both front-end and back-end development when paired with frameworks like React.
  • JavaScript: Since NodeJS uses JavaScript, developers can use the same language for both front-end and back-end development, simplifying the development process and reducing the need to hire specialists for each part of the stack.


  • Scalability Issues: Not as efficient for CPU-intensive tasks due to its single-threaded nature.
  • Type Handling: NodeJS's type handling can be problematic, leading to potential runtime errors. While TypeScript can mitigate this, it often introduces additional complexity. Don’t build a fintech with it….

Cost and Availability:

  • Average Cost per Hour: $50-$100
  • Developer Availability: High, with a large pool of developers globally.



  • Performance: Compiled language offering high performance, ideal for scalable back-end systems.
  • Concurrency: Excellent support for concurrent processing, making it suitable for high-load applications.
  • Simplicity: Clean and straightforward syntax, reducing the complexity of the codebase.


  • Smaller Ecosystem: Fewer libraries and frameworks compared to NodeJS.
  • Learning Curve: Can be steeper for developers transitioning from dynamic languages.

Cost and Availability:

  • Average Cost per Hour: $60-$120
  • Developer Availability: Moderate, with a growing community but fewer developers compared to NodeJS.

Developer Availability

Why it’s cheaper and easier to hire NodeJS developers: NodeJS has a vast and active community, making it easier to find developers. The abundance of learning resources and the popularity of JavaScript contribute to a larger talent pool, which generally drives down the cost of hiring.

What to do about scale: When considering scalability, NodeJS may face challenges with CPU-bound tasks. If your application demands high scalability and performance, particularly for back-end processing, GoLang is a more suitable choice.

Why Ruby Still Rocks

Ruby on Rails (RoR) might not be the trendiest framework these days, but it remains a powerful tool for building MVPs rapidly. RoR offers a convention-over-configuration philosophy, which speeds up development. Additionally, the lack of a need to interact with an API for server-side rendering can simplify the development process.

Front vs Back Languages

Why React is great with NodeJS back-end: React and NodeJS form a powerful duo for full-stack JavaScript development. React’s component-based architecture pairs well with NodeJS’s non-blocking, event-driven server, allowing for seamless data handling and real-time updates. This synergy can lead to more cohesive and maintainable codebases.


Why Cool Isn’t Always Good: New and shiny technologies often attract software engineers eager to learn and experiment. However, building a reliable product requires stability, maintainability, and support. Sticking to proven technologies ensures that your application remains robust and scalable. Resist the urge to follow every emerging trend; instead, focus on building a solid foundation that meets your project's needs.

Choosing the right technology stack is a critical decision that impacts your project’s success. By carefully considering factors such as cost, developer availability, scalability, and long-term maintenance, you can set your project on the path to success. Remember, the goal is to build fast and iterate quickly, all while maintaining a balance between innovation and practicality.

Simon Morley

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