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Engaging an Agency Part 3: Choosing Your Tech

Choosing the right technology stack for your project requires balancing cost, speed, and quality while avoiding the temptation to opt for the latest or cheapest options without justification. In this post, we cover the tough challenge of getting started and making the right technology decision.

July 19, 2024
Simon Morley
Engaging With A Software Development Agency - Part 2 - Reviewing Your Quotes

Engaging an agency requires careful evaluation of quotes to avoid costly mistakes. Here we discuss some of the ways you can filter the wheat from the chaff.

July 10, 2024
Simon Morley
The Importance of Context When Briefing a Software Agency

In this post, we delve into why providing context is crucial when working with software development agencies.

July 10, 2024
Henry Seabright
Engaging With A Software Development Agency - Part 1

The key to getting better quotes from agencies is to write a comprehensive brief. This should include an introduction, goals, integrations, features, existing tech and team, timeline, and budget.

July 9, 2024
Simon Morley

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